Scientific Societies

Whether you have, or are hoping to create, a scientific company, you will need a permanent secretariat capable of managing it. At AFID CONGRESOS we can make this easier, with a professional and modern organization capable of assuming and developing the strategic plans and projects of the same.



  • Advise the different members of the Board of Directors of the Company of the different issues arising from the creation of the same. Personalized at the time required and with regular group meetings with all members of the Board.
  • Legal advice
  • Advise for the activities are socially and economically viable

Permanent Secretariat

  • Supervision and archiving official documents
  • Promote the insertion of Partners to the Scientific Society. Control of subscriber ups and downs
  • Maintenance and updating of databases
  • Personalized customer service
  • Convocations of meetings of the Board of Directors. Management of minutes
  • Relations with Public and Private Institutions
  • Elaboration of circulars and annual reports

Promotion and dissemination

  • Elaboration, management and continuous updating of the web page
  • Permanent attention: email, telephone ...
  • Periodic dissemination of the Company, its purposes and activities
  • Contact with the industry. Sponsors

Scientific activities

  • Promote the development of medical training activities
  • Organization of events: Meetings, Conferences, Training Courses and Congresses
  • Management of Scientific and training guarantees

Economic and fiscal activities

  • Relationship with Banks. Financial administration
  • Fiscal management, foundations
  • Presentation of legal, accounting and tax documents


Afid Congresos, S.L.

Center Delegation

Nuñez de Balboa, 92 4ºCentro 28006 Madrid

+34 644 719 161

Northern Delegation

Menéndez Pelayo, 6 - Entresuelo A 39006 Santander
Cantabria - Spain

+34 942 318 180

Social Networks


A la Mejor Gestión Empresarial

Por el XXI Congreso de la Federación de Sociedades Europeas de Cirugía de la Mano

Trabajamos con:

C/ Menéndez Pelayo 6 Entresuelo B
39006 Santander